There Is No Reason to Play Guessing Games When a Divorce Lawyer in Frederick Can Help

by | Jan 29, 2019 | Divorce Law

Contemplating divorce is often a guessing game for individuals. When an individual is served divorce papers, they might begin discussing the situation with their family, friends and coworkers. The only way to understand the divorce process and legal rights is to meet with a divorce lawyer in Frederick.

Divorce will have an impact on an individual’s future. Decisions about alimony, child custody, and division of assets, retirement plan distribution, and many other life decisions require the assistance of an attorney.

Planning for a Divorce

Couples don’t, as a rule, suddenly find themselves facing a divorce without any previous warning. When an individual believes they are going to be facing a divorce, it is important to plan. Believing that the person who once loved them is going to do what is right isn’t a good idea. Preparing for the worst while hoping for the best is never a bad approach to take during a divorce.

What Items Should Be Considered While Planning a Divorce?

There is a long list of items that should be considered in divorce planning, including:

  • Credit cards
  • Debts in the name of one party but not the other
  • Business interests
  • Contributions made to pension or retirement plans
  • Bankruptcy
  • Joint bank accounts
  • Child support
  • Alimony

In certain cases, mediation and the use of the collaborative process can save money and time. A mediator does not represent one party over the over and is only there to work out the differences the party has. This impartial mediator is highly-trained in the collaborative divorce process.


Just because an individual isn’t living under the same roof as their partner doesn’t make them divorced. In this type of situation, the couple is separated and they do not need an agreement. However, it is a good idea to contact a divorce lawyer in Frederick to design a separation agreement that spells out the financial and custody provisions that will be in place until a divorce is final.

Most grounds for divorce in Maryland require a couple to be separated for some time, and a separation agreement will make the date official. If you need assistance with a divorce or any other family law matter, please feel free to browse our website.

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