Why Would You Need A Social Security Lawyer?

by | Dec 24, 2015 | Attorney

If the statistics are anything to go by, applying for Social Security disability benefits is frustrating and arduous. With almost three quarters of applications being denied it is easy to see why it makes a great deal of sense to hire a Social Security lawyer in Oak Ridge for guidance and assistance.

The majority of first time applications are denied. Perhaps the application would have been approved if a lawyer was involved, no one can really say; what can be said however is that there is a far better chance of approval with a lawyer than without, the same holds true when it comes time to mount a successful appeal. The appeals process is complex and time consuming; it would be extremely difficult for a layperson to deal with the process independently. There is never any guarantees when it comes to law but one thing is for sure, when you hire a lawyer whose practice is built around Social Security issues the chances of success are far greater than if you hire a lawyer who deals in different legal arenas.

There is no way to predict in advance what benefits will be granted, in this respect dealing with Social Security is similar to dealing with a personal injury case where the injured party will not know the results until all negotiations have been completed. When you hire a Social Security lawyer in Oak Ridge there is no need to worry about excessive legal fees, the fees are set by the Administration and lawyers take cases on contingency. When the lawyer wins benefits for you he or she is paid in accordance with the amount of your back pay; if the case does not prosper, other than for miscellaneous expenses, there is nothing to pay.

The lawyer that succeeds in winning your case for you does not share in your monthly benefits. The lawyer is entitled to 25 percent of your back pay or $6,000 whichever is less, this money is paid directly to the lawyer out of your back pay and the case can be considered closed.

A Social Security lawyer is in a far better position to accomplish things than a layperson. Not only does the lawyer know all the laws, rules and regulations; he or she can gain access to files that you might not be able to get at yourself. The lawyer can look into the reasons the application was denied, this will help in planning a successful appeal.

A Social Security lawyer in Oak Ridge is well suited to help you through the difficult application and appeals process associated with Social Security disability benefits. You are invited to contact the Law offices of Miller & Drozdowski, P.C. Click here for more information.

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