4 Things a Real Estate Attorney in Walker, MN Wishes Clients Knew

by | Aug 18, 2016 | Lawyers

There are many reasons for people to dislike attorneys. Services can be costly, and lawyers do not always deliver the best news. However, attorneys have clients’ best interests in mind, and having a lawyer can make the home selling process easier. Below are some things real estate attorneys with Brainerd Law wish clients knew about the legal process.

Don’t Delay Call Today

One of the mostly heard sentences from new clients is “I regret that I signed a purchase contract, and I want out.” Other clients may wonder how to get out of paying a judgment. If the client waits to hire legal representation, the attorney may not be able to offer much help. By hiring a real estate attorney in Walker MN at the beginning of the buying process, problems such as tax liens can be uncovered and solved in time to prevent economic losses and foreclosure.

Hire a Focused Real Estate Attorney

This may seem elementary, but many homebuyers make the mistake of hiring a general attorney instead of one with a focus on real estate. Oftentimes, clients will choose attorneys with whom they are familiar, regardless of the lawyer’s area of practice. Real estate law is complicated, and rules can vary depending on location. Therefore, it is important for clients to hire attorneys who know the state’s real estate laws.

Attorneys Can Accomplish Things Real Estate Agents Cannot

Some areas require an attorney’s involvement in real estate closings while others do not. In most cases, the homebuyer pays for the attorney. Here, the lawyer acts as a referee, ensuring that both sides follow the law. However, if a client wants to amend the terms of a purchase agreement, a real estate attorney in Walker MN can provide specific legal advice.

Attorneys Can Help Sellers

Sellers are not as likely to hire real estate attorneys, but a lawyer can ease particularly complicated transactions. These attorneys can help sellers draft covenants restricting land development, and they can ensure that the client receives the necessary easements. Real estate lawyers can prepare homeowners for the tax liabilities of a sale while saving as much money as possible.

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