Don’t Go To Court Unrepresented When A Family Law Firm In Lee’s Summit MO Will Helps

by | Jan 29, 2018 | Lawyers and Law Firms

Going to court unrepresented is never recommended in any type of case. An individual who thinks they can represent themselves will find out they will have a poor outcome to their case. The laws change quickly, and an individual must follow all of the filing preparation guidelines and rules of the court.

Family law cases involve issues that are close to many individual’s hearts and could result in high-charged emotions. With the help of a Family Law Firm in Lee’s Summit MO, the case will proceed smoothly and an individual’s rights will be protected for the duration of the case. A family law firm can represent clients who are involved in a divorce, child custody dispute, child support, paternity, modifications of prior judgments, and orders of protection.


A divorce in Missouri is known as dissolution. Divorce proceedings can go more smoothly when a couple is able to agree to a settlement on their own. If an individual thinks their spouse is hiding money, there are numerous tools that can be used to locate the assets.

How Soon Can A Divorce Be Finalized?

If a couple can agree to the terms of a dissolution, a dissolution can be granted 30 days after the papers have been filed with a court. A divorce cannot be granted until the other individual has been served and 30 days have passed from that date.

Child Custody

The custody of a child is another area that a Family Law Firm in Lee’s Summit MO can help a parent get through. The court is only concerned about the best interest of a child. If one of the parents have a history of drug use or was previously incarcerated, this could be taken into consideration for a child custody determination.

Modification Of An Order

Family court orders might need to be modified due to a change of circumstances. Modifying a court order can be difficult if the new set of circumstances are not properly presented to the court. In addition to filing a legal document with the court, a modification will need to be argued in court by an experienced family law attorney.

Contact the Dana Outlaw Law Office if you’re looking for an experienced attorney to represent you in a family law case.

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