You Might Need a Car Accident Attorney

by | Dec 15, 2017 | Lawyers and Law Firms

Being in a collision with another car can be a terrifying experience, and sometimes it leads to you feeling debilitated afterward. The majority of car collisions are not very serious, (e.g. gentle fender benders), but there are times that a car collision leads to injury or emotional trauma. In this case, you depend on your car insurance company to fulfill their duty and help you with the finances of your recovery. But if your car insurance company is not fulfilling all parts of the insurance that you paid for, you might need a car accident attorney. You have a strong case if you experienced:

Lost Wages

If you were unable to work after your car accident, it’s very important that you attempt to get compensation for the wages that you were unable to collect while you were away from work. A car accident attorney can help you get the compensation that you need to help you with your living expenses while you’re recovering from your accident. Sometimes the car accident is so traumatic that you’re unable to return to work for several weeks. Unless your car accident happened while you were performing a job duty, your employer is not responsible for paying you for work days that are not covered by sick days and vacation days. If you need help getting more compensation to support yourself while you recover, you probably need a car accident attorney.

Severe Injuries with Expensive Medical Bills

Any time that severe injuries and expensive medical bills are involved in a car accident, it’s important to contact a personal injury lawyer. Personal injury lawyers and car accident attorneys have dedicated all of their time and effort to learn about the laws that protect and assist citizens after a car accident. The insurance company that you have paid to protect you from crippling medical debt may not always provide all of the compensation that’s available to you. Having a lawyer to help you make sure that you have been paid everything that is rightfully yours can give you peace-of-mind.

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